Journal of Accounting, Finance & Management Strategy





Volume 15, Number 1, June 2020

The Association between Corporate Patent and Corporate Value


Knowledge, science, and technology innovations are key factors of enterprise core competitiveness, and the patent most directly creates science and technology enterprise innovations. The patent therefore protects creative activity, and increases price-negotiation and competition for raising market value. The combining relative data of the United States Patent and Trademark Office database (USPTO) and the Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ) are used to investigate the effect of quantitative patent indicators and qualitative indicators on market value by in Taiwan listed electronic companies. Results show that number of patents, stock of patent, cites per patent, and technology strength significantly and positively influence market value. Companies should focus on both quantitative and qualitative characteristics of patents to create company market value.

Keywords: Market Value, Patent, R&D, Current Impact Index, Technology Strength.

JEL Classification: O32, Q16